Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Late Start AND S.S. Project

Just a quick reminder--we have a late start tomorrow morning! Students are welcome at 10:20am and we officially begin at 10:40am.

Also, the Social Studies project is due tomorrow! Please have your child either bring in the project tomorrow morning or you can just email me pictures! We will present them tomorrow!

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Hispanic Heritage Month

For our morning announcements, a group of high school students have been making videos to show the students each morning to teach them Spanish. We have learned how to say “Hello” and “Goodbye” and also how to say “What is your name?” and “My name is…” The students have loved speaking Spanish! This morning for our announcements, we watched a video explaining Hispanic Heritage Month. I have attached the link at the bottom of this page. I encouraged the students while they are doing their homework this week and really all month, to look for ways to enhance their knowledge of the Spanish language and culture. I told them to research Spanish holidays, food, clothing, and customs. I would encourage you to help them along the way! I know there is a lot of Brian Pop episodes about Mexico and the Spanish culture and this site at the bottom has a lot of great resources.
                Anyway, I just wanted you to be aware about this and encourage your kids to do some research! 

Friday, September 11, 2015

We All Swin Together

Drum roll please.....ta da! Our bulletin board is up! I learned that I am terrible at taking Pano pictures so please believe me when I say that it actually says "Swim" and not "Swin" haha. I need to get better at that. Can't wait for the students to see it Monday!

9/11 BrainPop

Here is the link to the 9/11 BrainPop.
Username: jenkstrojans
Password: jenks
Viewer Discretion Advised 


Optional Social Studies Project

I am really excited about this project! Since we are learning about maps and the state of Oklahoma, I am assigning a 3D Salt Dough Map of Oklahoma. There is a recipe for homemade play dough and the students will trace a map of Oklahoma on a piece of cardboard and then mold their dough accordingly. They may choose what kind of map they want to create. Here are their choices: 1) Political-showing cities, 2) Physical-showing mountains and bodies of water, 3)Land Use and Resources, or 4) Climate-showing the different regions. They need to have a map key or legend as well.
                There is a website that explains the process, shows pictures, and gives other ideas. In these examples they did continents and countries but we are just going to stick with Oklahoma for now.
                After your child is done with the project, please take some pictures of it and we can show them on the smart board in class and discuss. If you want to bring the project in, by all means do so! I just didn’t want kids bringing them on the bus with them—ha!
                Working on this project should take more than one day. The dough needs time to harden before you paint it. For the next week, their homework will be to read 20 minutes like always and then to either do 1 menu item OR work on the project. Again, this is optional and your student doesn’t have to do it if they don’t want to. They can stick with menu items next week.
                This project is due on Thursday, September 24th. Please email me your pictures before then or bring the project to school that morning.
                Here is the website:
                Let me know if you have questions! I hope your students enjoy the project!

Typing Pal

Ok, I think I’ve figured it out. I had to go online and create a group before the kids could get on.
The code is JNKSSDOK
The student’s username is their Student ID number (their 5-digit lunch number). The password is trojans.
Please let me know if it doesn’t work. Sorry this is a struggle. Hopefully we’ll get it someday!

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Seems Fishy....

Yesterday and today we have been decorating fish to put on our bulletin board outside in our pod! Yes, it was a little messy and yes it was a little chaotic but all in all, the kids had fun and we are going to have one great looking bulletin board! :) More pictures to come...

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Reading Codes

We have been working on our inner conversation while reading. Often times, I'll tell the kids to write down their thinking using our Reading Codes. Here is a picture of our codes so your child can practice in their Reading Response Journals at home! Sorry, I couldn't figure out how to turn it the other way :(

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Front Row

Parents! I will e-mail this to you tomorrow but I have finally made an account for our class on Front Row! This is one of the websites on the Homework Menu under Math Facts. This is a great website where students can track their progress through math categories. Our class name is "Jones 3rd Grade."

To sign up, all you do is go to and click in the upper right corner "Student Login." Type in the student's name and our class code. Our class code is wofusq (q as in queen). Then they just choose what they want to work on and answer as many questions as they can. Just hit "Submit" when they are getting tired or have had enough and it will tell you how many levels you gained! I believe there's some tokens to help motivate them too.

I will change the class code on the homework menu tomorrow. Sorry it was incorrect before!