Friday, September 11, 2015

Optional Social Studies Project

I am really excited about this project! Since we are learning about maps and the state of Oklahoma, I am assigning a 3D Salt Dough Map of Oklahoma. There is a recipe for homemade play dough and the students will trace a map of Oklahoma on a piece of cardboard and then mold their dough accordingly. They may choose what kind of map they want to create. Here are their choices: 1) Political-showing cities, 2) Physical-showing mountains and bodies of water, 3)Land Use and Resources, or 4) Climate-showing the different regions. They need to have a map key or legend as well.
                There is a website that explains the process, shows pictures, and gives other ideas. In these examples they did continents and countries but we are just going to stick with Oklahoma for now.
                After your child is done with the project, please take some pictures of it and we can show them on the smart board in class and discuss. If you want to bring the project in, by all means do so! I just didn’t want kids bringing them on the bus with them—ha!
                Working on this project should take more than one day. The dough needs time to harden before you paint it. For the next week, their homework will be to read 20 minutes like always and then to either do 1 menu item OR work on the project. Again, this is optional and your student doesn’t have to do it if they don’t want to. They can stick with menu items next week.
                This project is due on Thursday, September 24th. Please email me your pictures before then or bring the project to school that morning.
                Here is the website:
                Let me know if you have questions! I hope your students enjoy the project!

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