Monday, August 31, 2015

Homework Menu

Homework Menu

Read the book of your choice.
Use your inner voice to remember what you read.
Math practice:
Class Code is wofusq
Practice Multiplication and Division facts.
With flash cards or on Bulls-Eye Math
Watch a Brain Pop and take the quiz!
Read an E-book online.
 Capstone- User-Jenks
Follett Shelf- User-wef
Practice Typing Pal
Username-Student ID
Write a story in
Your writer’s notebook. Use an idea from one
 Of your lists!
Read aloud to someone really focusing on your expression.
Research a topic on Science Flix and write about it in your writer’s notebook. 
Go outside and PLAY!!!
Stay inside and PLAY!!!

Usernames and Passwords

Some of the usernames and passwords are still being updated through the Jenks district. Because of this, some of your usernames and passwords won't work. I have told the kids that if one site isn't working to just choose something else from the menu. Hope they all work soon!

Friday, August 28, 2015

E-Mail is Up and Working!

After almost an hour today, I have finally figured out the email system! I have emailed all parents the Back to School Night power point, a message about yearbooks, a PTAG newsletter, and the Homework Menu. I will post the Homework Menu in my next post. Please let me know if you haven't received the emails in a comment below and we will fix that ASAP.

Yay for the weekend!

Friday, August 21, 2015

Exit Ticket

One part of our classroom that I am super excited about (and the kids are too) is our Exit Ticket. This poster board sits right next to our door. I have explained to the kids that every now and then I will give them a question to answer before we go to recess, specials, or before we transition to a new subject. Their job is to answer the question on a sticky note and stick it on top of their number. This is a quick and easy way for me to check their answers. This is really helpful in getting an overall sense if the class really got the material presented or if we need to revisit and discuss again.

Today as we were giving ideas for our classroom essential agreement, I told the students to pick one thing we talked about and think how they were going to portray that next week. Here are the results! We had a lot of listening to the teacher, be more respectful, and to help others more. How I love my students!

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Have You Filled a Bucket Today?

Today we implemented a new reward system for our classroom. I hope this brings good attitudes and builds character for our students.

I read the class "Have You Filled a Bucket Today?" The book talks about how we each carry around invisible buckets and it is our job to fill each others buckets with kind words and good deeds. It encourages children to be nice to one another, filling others buckets, and their buckets get filled as well! It also talks about bucket dippers who dip into others buckets when they are bullies and are mean to others.

We made a t-chart of the qualities of bucket fillers and bucket dippers. The students did a great job filling this chart out. I was such a proud teacher!

Not only is this a great book to discuss with your students, its a great way to create a positive environment for the kids. I have created a system with literal buckets and carnival tickets. Each student has their own bucket and are encouraged to fill others buckets by encouraging notes and small gifts. I will also be handing out tickets when I see kids being kind to one another, doing the right thing, having their homework completed, etc. Once they reach enough tickets, they may cash them in for prizes and other incentives. I am really excited about this system and hope the kids love it. They already wrote so many positive notes to one another today! It was great seeing them be so kind. 

Wednesday, August 19, 2015

1st Day and Class Carousel

Wow! We had a fantastic day in third grade! It was so great finally seeing all my students in one room and I loved getting to know each other. It was kind of a crazy day with bus schedules and inside recess but overall, what a great first day!

After lunch, the students participated in what I call a class carousel. I placed six pieces of anchor chart paper around the room and split the kids up into small groups. There were questions on each piece of paper and I had the students discuss their answers together and then they could write down their answers. After I blew a whistle, the kids rotated to the different stations and so on. We came together at the end of the day and discussed the questions and their answers. What a great way to get kids moving, talking to others, and discussing their thoughts and opinions about this year.  Below are our final products.

What should kids in our class be doing to make sure our class runs smoothly? 
What do you hope to learn in 3rd grade this year?
School is important because...
What do you need to do in order to be successful this year?
What will Mrs. Jones need to do to help you this year?
Our classroom should be_____________ every day. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Dear Parents,

I couldn't figure out how to upload a document on here so I figured I would just copy and paste the parent letter I handed out last night at Meet the Teacher. Here you go!
Dear Parents,
            Welcome to the wonderful world of having a child in 3rd grade! Third grade is a very busy year. It is my plan for your child to have a successful and rewarding year with me as his or her teacher. I strive to keep a classroom environment that is not only a safe place filled with love and respect, but also a place that your child looks forward to coming to each day. 
            I would like to introduce myself to you with some information about my experience and family. This is my third year teaching and my first year at Jenks West Elementary. I completed my Bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education in Dayton, Tennessee at Bryan College.  I recently got married and moved to Oklahoma this past summer.
            On Back to School night, we will be discussing classroom procedures, expectations, and other information, but there are a few items that will be helpful for you to know now.
  • Please send a HEALTHY snack with your child each day. I allow the kids to have a snack during the school day. Also, send a water bottle with a sport top if your child would like to keep one in class.
  • Communication is VERY important. Please check your e-mail often as it will be my number one source of communication.
  • Please identify 1-3 of your child’s favorite books that they can bring to the first week of school. These can be fiction or non-fiction.
            I am looking forward to working with your child this year! If you have any questions or concerns, please e-mail or call me. You can also follow our classroom blog. I will be posting homework, links, and other information on a weekly basis about what’s going on in our classroom. Communication is very important to me and I appreciated your support in making this a great year!
Katie Jones
(918) 299-4411 ext. 6110

Monday, August 17, 2015

Meet the Teacher

Today was Meet the Teacher at Jenks West Elementary and what a turn out! It was genuinely a pleasure meeting all the parents and students who came out. Students were able to look around their classroom, bring in their school supplies, and obviously, meet the teacher. Parents were able to fill out forms, ask questions, and obtain information about the upcoming school year. All in all, it was a successful day!

I will do my best to upload the letter I handed out today with my contact information tomorrow (if I can figure out Blogspot!) I am very excited about 3rd grade--can't wait until Wednesday!

Some beautiful flowers given to me by a student. They also brought an apple--so sweet!
Sign for my door which my mother-in-law helped me make
Look at all those forms!
Our classroom wish list
Supplies, on top of supplies

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

I love my job, but this will totally be me next week, haha!

Back to work tomorrow :(
Posted by Capital Breakfast North East on Sunday, January 4, 2015
Enjoy the last week of summer!

Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Welcome to Jenks Public Schools

So, today was my first day as an official Jenks Public School teacher. Woke up at 7AM, drove to the high school, and sat in a three hour meeting which included Krispy Kreme donuts and Debbie Burchfield teaching the new teachers a rap about the school's mission statement. What have I gotten myself into?  

For the past two weeks, I've sat in meetings ranging from insurance to teaching Social Studies in the classroom. I've tagged along with everyone and their brother during Tax-Free weekend buying supplies for my classroom. I peruse through Pinterest and Teachers-Pay-Teachers almost every night.

Am I ready? No idea. Am I excited? Absolutely. I am so thrilled to be a part of the Jenks Public School system and am looking forward to what this year has to offer!